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We offer our services in creating and maintaining websites especially for those in the herbal community. The following websites have been created and are maintained by Herbs 'n Honey.
Zelda Hotaling ~ Jean's Greens ~ Ryan Drum
Apollo Herbs ~ Clara Lenox, M.D.
Little Brook Organic Farm & Learning Center
We would be happy to help you establish a web presence for your business. Remember, you are putting yourself out there for all to see…keep your personality in mind when planning your website.
Here are some website/design guidelines:
- Think about a domain name and see if it is available - if so, buy it now. We find GoDaddy.com to be low cost and reliable...about $10/year for a .com domain name. No need to buy webhosting or other frills until you are ready to put your website out there. E-mail addresses come with the domain name.
- View other websites for ideas on color, design and layout. Note the ones you like or dislike.
- Think about what you want to provide on your website - information, sell products, contact people - to determine number of pages to start.
- If you are planning to sell items through your website, you will need a Merchant Account to accept payment. A paypal business account is fine for start-up companies.
The cost for a 4-5 page simple website runs about $1000. This is usually a home page, about us page, contact/directions page, simple products page, and links page. The final cost depends on graphics, links, and complexity. Update rates are $50/hour.
Contact us for a free consultation to discuss development or maintenance of your website.
Web Links to Sites of Favored Friends
Women's Herbal Conference ~ International Herb Symposium
Topmost Herb Farm ~ Empowered Herbals ~ Mary Anna Abuzahra
Partner Earth Education Center ~ Plant Spirit Healing ~ Woodland Essence ~ Zack Woods Herbs
Silver Birds Jewelry ~ Sage Mountain Retreat Center & Botanical Sanctuary
The Herbal Bear ~ Healing Spirits Herb Farm ~ Robin Rose Bennett
Sunstone Herb Farm ~ Walk in the Woods, LLC
Northeast School of Botanical Medicine
White Gate Court, Islamorada, Florida - Recommended by Ralph & Wally
Web Links to Favored Sites
United Plant Savers ~ New England Wild Flower Society ~ Northeast Herbal Association
UConn Home & Garden Center ~ Northeast Organic Farmers Association
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine ~ Henriette's Herbal Homepage
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